Feasibility, safety and efficacy of peripheral arteriographies through radial access. Early clinical experience of 40 consecutive cases



Ricardo de Souza A. Ferreira1,2, José L. Attab dos Santos1,2, Clemente Greguolo², José Fábio Fabris Jr², Marcelo D’anzicourt Pinto², Vicente Paulo Resende³, Alan Nascimento Paiva³, César Franco de Souza4, Leandro Coumbis Mandaloufas4, Márcio Alves de Urzêda5, Patricia de Godoy Bueno¹, Naiara do Prado Andrade¹, Renato Sanchez Antonio¹


Introduction: Transradial approach (TRA) is a well-established technique for settings of coronary intervention, showing superiority above transfemoral approach (TFA). Most of the benefits of TRA approach can be reproduced to peripheral vascular approaches, despite the absence of scientific evidences in this setting. TRA access has been gradually emerging as an alternative and effective way for arteriographies and vascular interventions comparing to TFA. Our objective is to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of TRA access for the accomplishment of peripheral arteriographies and to provide a guide for those who look for a new TRA peripheral program.


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